csgo 与 cf 活跃玩家数量大比拼 csgo跟cf活跃玩家有多少

2023-09-16  11

csgo 与 cf 活跃玩家数量大比拼 csgo跟cf活跃玩家有多少

CS:GO 和 CF:A 都是 popular competitive games, both with a large number of active players. As of my knowledge cutoff in 2023年, CS:GO 的活跃玩家数量 was estimated to be around 300,000, while CF:A's was estimated to be around 75,000.

However, it's important to note that these numbers are subject to change and may have grown or decreased since then. Additionally, both games have a variety of skill levels and competition levels, so the number of active players may vary depending on the specific niche and region.

