dream big, settle小事 csgo励志枪名英文

2023-06-20  13

"Dream Big, Settle小事" is a Chinese proverb that means to have big dreams and try to achieve them, even if it means taking on a greater challenge or承担更大的责任. The phrase also suggests that one should not be satisfied with the small things in life and should strive to strive for better and more.

dream big, settle小事 csgo励志枪名英文

In other words, if you have big dreams, you should not be afraid to take on challenges and try to achieve them. However, you should also be realistic and know that it may take time, effort, and resources to achieve your goals. It is important to set achievable goals and to work hard to achieve them.

In addition, the phrase suggests that it is important to be content with what we have and to not be too hard on ourselves if we fail to achieve our goals. It is important to learn from our mistakes and to continue moving forward.Overall, "Dream Big, Settle小事" is a鼓励人们不断追求梦想,接受挑战,不断努力,并且保持谦虚和乐观的名言。

