the different枪支 of cs:go csgo各种枪英文

2023-04-20  102

the different枪支 of cs:go csgo各种枪英文

CS:GO is a first-person perspective video game developed byValve Corporation. The game features a variety of weapons and items that can be equipped and used by players. Here are some of the different枪支 in CS:GO:

- 步枪:步枪 are the main武器 of the game and are used for long-ranged攻击. Some popular步枪s include the M416, AWM, and HK416.

- 手枪:手枪 are small, lightweight武器 that can be used for short-ranged攻击. Some popular手枪s include the G36K, SPAS-12, and RPK.

- 冲锋枪:冲锋枪 are short-ranged武器 that are designed to be used in close-quarters combat. Some popular冲锋枪 include the sub-machinegun, P90, and MP5.

the different枪支 of cs:go csgo各种枪英文

- 狙击枪:狙击枪 are long-ranged武器 that are used for precision攻击. Some popular狙击枪 include the 栓-动狙击步枪, SVD, and the AWM.

the different枪支 of cs:go csgo各种枪英文

- 轻机枪:轻机枪 are short-ranged武器 that are designed to be used in close-quarters combat. Some popular轻机枪 include the M249 and the M240B.

the different枪支 of cs:go csgo各种枪英文

- 手榴弹:手榴弹 are small, round weapons that can be used for爆炸攻击. Some popular手榴弹 include the TOW, C4, and thefrag.

- 投掷物:投掷物 are tools that can be used to launch objects from a distance. Some popular投掷物 include the烟雾弹,闪光弹, and the燃烧瓶.

These are just a few examples of the different枪支 in CS:GO. There are many other weapons and items that can be found in the game, and players can use a variety of strategies to choose the best武器 for their playstyle.

