csgo比赛:usp龙抬头 csgo比赛usp龙抬头是谁

2023-09-19  10

csgo比赛:usp龙抬头 csgo比赛usp龙抬头是谁

"USP龙抬头" is a common term used in the CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) game mode "拆弹" to refer to when a player's team successfully defends a planted bomb, commonly referred to as a "bot", from their opponent's team.

csgo比赛:usp龙抬头 csgo比赛usp龙抬头是谁

When a bot is planted, the team that defends it has a 2% chance of also winning the round, and the team that planted it has a 4% chance of winning the round if they also defend it. This is known as the "defend first" system, as teams are encouraged to defend their own bots to increase their chances of winning the round.

Players can earn money by completing defend first rounds, and this money can be used to buy new equipment for their team, such as weapons and shields. Therefore, defending a bot can also be a profitable strategy in certain situations.
